GAP Coverage
Buick GAP Coverage
Key benefits:
- The only GAP Protection endorsed by Buick and General Motors
- Offered in terms up to 8 years
- Available for any finance amount on new or pre-owned vehicles, only at the time of vehicle purchase
- No maximum dollar amount on covered losses that are waived
- Includes a waiver for your primary insurance deductible up to $1,000
* - Covers rideshare services
- Can be canceled
* at any time
How it works

Don’t pay for a total loss
GAP Coverage protects you from paying on a vehicle that is a total loss. In that event, this Plan can help cover the amount you owe on the vehicle that your insurance doesn't cover. Ask your dealer for Buick GAP Coverage—the only plan with the same name as your vehicle.
- Any amounts owed on the vehicle finance agreement resulting from late fees, due date changes, or from missed, delinquent, deferred, or skipped payments
- Total losses resulting from dishonest, fraudulent, or illegal acts (such as DUI) by customer, customer's family members, or other persons acting under customer's authority
- Vehicles used for competitive racing or for a prohibited commercial purpose
- If the customer has refinanced the vehicle finance agreement
- Deductions taken by the primary insurer, such as prior damage, salvage, missing items, excess towing, custom equipment, and storage
Gap Plus*
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